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New Farm Produce Ltd Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

  • Last updated: 9 January 2024
  • Website: Tackling modern slavery in supply chain - Stronger Together.


The board of directors and senior management team at New Farm Produce Ltd are fully committed to the implementation of the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This includes the provision of adequate resources, effective communication and review systems, alongside actions taken to enable continuous improvements. Our employees will be made aware of the risks of slavery and human trafficking and are expected to report any concerns. Management will be expected to act upon them.

Our Business and its Structure

New Farm Produce Ltd are growers of berries, cherries and asparagus to the UK supermarkets, wholesale markets. We are the 3rd generation family owned business which was found in 1960. The Company harvests crops from March to November, employing around 350 people over this period.

Our commitment to ethical trading

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains. We emulate the values of a family enterprise and we will be honest, fair and trustworthy in all our activities and relationships. We will strive to foster an atmosphere where fair employment practices and a safe workplace extend to every member of our diverse workforce. Our company values outline our expectations of the ethical conduct for all New Farm Produce Ltd employees. New Farm Produce Ltd will ensure a consistent approach when working with suppliers and that ethical trading considerations remain a critical factor within our supplier selection and approval processes. We will ensure that our expectations are communicated and understood by employees within the business and that our own practices do not encourage breaches of the law.

Due Diligence

Where possible we ask our suppliers to confirm, to the best of their abilities, that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking within their businesses or supply chains.

Continuous improvement

New Farm Produce Ltd agrees to adopt the best approach to reducing the possibility of slavery or human trafficking within our business. This statement has been approved by the Directors of New Farm Produce Ltd and will be reviewed at least once annually before being published on our website.